The goal of the SibMycoPortal project is to create a unified resource for accessing collections of fungi and fungus-like organisms located in Siberia. Its started as initiative of researchers working in different orgatizations in Western Siberia and having ditigized collections of fungi or starting digitization programms in their organizations. Currently the collaboration includes about 10 research organizations and this number will grow in the future.

The immediate project goal is to have the main collections available online on the portal by the end of 2025 and to publish a data paper describing all the collections data.

More information about digitization initiative, including instructions and protocols on our web site (in Russian):

To browse a particular collection, select the tab from the top navigation bar.

  • Fungarium of Yugra State University (YSU-F) (GBIF dataset) - collection of dried specimens of fungi, 10200 specimens with pictures of life specimens and sequence data reculted from barcoding program
  • Fungal collection of Central Siberian Botanical Garden (NSK) (GBIF dataset) - collection of dried specimens of fungi, about 1000 digitized, partly with life photographs and dna-derived data
  • Elena Zvyagina personal collection of fungi (GBIF dataset) - personal collection of specimens of fungi, about 1300 digitized, partly with life photographs and dna-derived data
  • Fungal collection of Kondinskie Ozera Natural Park (GBIF dataset) - collection of dried specimens of fungi, 340 specimens with life photographs
  • Lichen collection of Yugra State University (YSU-L) - collection of dried specimens of lichens, 156 specimens digitized
    The checklist of macrofungi of raised bogs (GBIF dataset) - 149 specimens of larger fungi collected in raised bog habitats, with life photographs and dna-derived data (part of YSU-F collection)
The portal uses Specify Web Portal (Specify Software) instruments; all collections are exported to GBIF using IPT installation of Northwern West Siberia (YSU).

For more details about the portal please contact:

  • Nina Filippova, responsible for the content (
  • Dmitry Karpov, IT (

Проект частично поддержан грантом для организации молодежной лаборатории в Югорском государственном университете (Западно-Сибирский межрегиональный научно-образовательный центр мирового уровня) в рамках национального проекта «Наука и университеты».